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Board Update 1/15/25



Board recognition/presentations 

Agenda Item 3.0

Multilingual Newcomer and Dual Language Curriculum Update – 3.01 

Members from the Curriculum and Instruction team presented to the Board of Education about the Multilingual Newcomer and Dual Language Curriculum. The presentation provided specific information about the structure, programs and resources, how staff is equipped to help students succeed, and next steps. The presentation went into further detail on how supports for multilingual learners are integrated within the math, literacy, science and social science curriculum. 

You can view the presentation here and watch it here.

superintendent reports

Agenda Item 5.0

Monthly Updates – 5.01 

Superintendent Bresnahan provided current updates that are happening in CCSD59 across multiple departments. These updates include, but are not limited to: 

  • NSSEO Strategic Planning
  • Long Range Facility Planning
  • Enrollment and Boundary Studies 
  • Resource Allocation Collaboration 
  • Dual Language Assessment Planning and Newcomer/EL Planning for next year 

You can watch the presentation here

action items 

Agenda Item 7.0

Approval of Vision 2030 Support – 7.01 

The CCSD59 Board of Education voted to adopt a resolution in support of Vision 2030, a blueprint to enhance public education to better serve students in an evolving world. Vision 2030 is a comprehensive effort developed by members of eight statewide education associations to create a framework of legislative goals and policy changes that would improve Illinois’ public education system.

The resolution of support specifically endorses Vision 2030’s emphasis on four key priorities:

  • Keeping students safe
  • Keeping high-quality educators in front of students
  • Enhancing post-secondary success
  • Improving measurements of what is working well in schools

CCSD59  joins numerous other school systems across the state in supporting the Vision 2030 legislative initiative.

Superintendent Bresnahan served as co-chair for the accountability workgroup for Vision 2030 and shared her support for this important framework to help improve public education.

Approval of Enrollment and Boundary Study – 7.02 

The district is in need of an updated enrollment and boundary study due to the effects of COVID-19 and other unforeseen world events. The administration has recommended the selection of RSP and Associates. The study would work together with Wold’s Long Range Facility Study. RSP has a working relationship with Wold, and has worked with local districts. 

The following proposed costs are below: 

  • Enrollment Analysis: $13,000
  • Boundary Analysis: $10,000
  • Public Facilitation 
    • Option 1: (in-person): $36,750
    • Option 2 (virtual): $17,000
  • Total Costs: $41,000 – $60,250

The board approved the agreement between RSP and Associates and CCSD59. 

Approval of Operation Warm Donation to CCSD59 – 7.03 

Operation Warm Inc. will be donating a total of 408 new winter coats to CCSD59 students.This donation of winter coats has an estimated value of $10,200. 

The board has approved the donation from Operation Warm Inc. to CCSD59. 

Authorization to Bargain with the Educational Support Personnel – 7.04

The District Education Association has formally requested to negotiate both the Certified Group and Educational Support Professional (ESP) contracts concurrently during this year’s bargaining cycle. To accommodate this request, the ESP contract must be officially opened for negotiation. Aligning the negotiation timelines for both contracts is expected to streamline the process and promote consistency in agreements. 

The Board of Education authorizes bargaining with the purpose of negotiating as to the current collective bargaining agreement and successor years.

discussion items 

Agenda Item 8.0

Resource Allocation Process Overview – 8.01 

Annually, the Human Resource Department delivers a resource allocation update to the Board of Education, providing insights on the future staffing needs of the district. Staffing resources recommendations are influenced by the programming initiatives, programming expansion, fluctuations in student enrollment, the roll-up of class sections, the management of singletons, and adjustments for evolving special programming needs. All staffing allocation adjustments are contingent on district programming structures, facility availability, and financial sustainability. 

You can view the presentation here and watch the discussion here

Policy Updates for Press 117 – 8.02 

The IASB Reference Manual provides a system for regular updating of policies to ensure legal compliance and provides cross-referencing of related policies and the legal references. Every policy is reviewed at least once every five years or as a result of state or federal, Illinois School Code, or Illinois School Board of Education regulation or rule changes. The administration also makes recommendations for policy revisions as needed. Additionally, the Board is required by School Code to review select policies either annually or biennially. 

Long-Range Facility Planning – 8.03 

During December’s Board of Education Meeting, the board approved the contract with Wold for long-range facilities planning. Based on current initiatives, the administration recommends commencing the long-range planning work at the start of the 2025-26 school year. This will allow for reasonable preparations and information gathering to make the process more effective. A full committee with representatives from various stakeholder groups will be formed, giving the district enough time to communicate and secure participants for this committee. The boundary study will also be complete by the fall, which will provide essential information for the committee’s work. 

You can watch the discussion here.


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