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Board Update 10/10/22


District Presentations

Agenda Item 4.0

2022-23 Fall Benchmark Report4.01
The board viewed a presentation on how the district is assessing student progress in math and reading as part of fall benchmarking. Data was shared and discussed from the assessments conducted through iReady, with additional information shared on how the district and schools utilize that data. You can view the presentation slides here

Equity Journey – 4.02
The board discussed the district’s equity journey, including the final meeting of the Equity Task Force as the district prepares a proposal from the potential options to address the district’s identified areas of focus for improvement

Dr. Terri Bresnahan reviewed what options have been considered through this process, what the implications will be if the board and district maintain the “status quo”, reviewed how a school pairing structure would address every area of focus, and provided an updated pairing option for the board to consider that combines elements from Option A and Option B titled “Draft Option C”. 

The board also reviewed how a transition plan would work, while Dr. Bresnahan presented additional transportation and school utilization data and how they would be impacted in Draft Option C. You can view the presentation slides here and watch the full discussion here.

The district will make a proposal on a draft plan at the board meeting on November 14, 2022, with board action scheduled to happen at the following meeting on December 12. For more information about the district’s focus on equity, please visit our equity page here

Discussion Items

Agenda Item 7.0

Public Hearing on 2022 Tax Levy – 7.01
Strategic Goal (SG) 4: Stewardship of Resources
At the September 27, 2022, board meeting, the board discussed and directed the administration to move forward with preparing the levy and to set the public hearing date for November 14, 2022. While the district’s proposed levy does not surpass the 5.0% threshold that requires a public hearing via the state’s Truth in Taxation Law, the administration believes meeting the spirit of the law is in the best interest of the district and community.

The public hearing was authorized by the board and will occur on November 14, 2022.

Adoption of 2022 Tax Levy – 7.02
SG 4: Stewardship of Resources
With the above-mentioned public hearing date set, the hearing will proceed until the board president believes the concerns of the citizens are heard. The board president will then entertain a motion on the proposed levy resolution, and the board will discuss further, if necessary.

The adoption of the total 2022 capped funds levy of $94,303,317 is 5.0% above the 2021 extended levy of $89,813,019, and will be voted on by the board at the December 12, 2022, board meeting.

Authorizing Reduction of Certain Fund Levies for the 2022 Tax Levy – 7.03
SG 4: Stewardship of Resources
The board provides direction to the County Clerk in assigning levy amounts by fund following final determination of total extension. The district is requesting a 5.0% increase in the levy over the prior year’s extension to ensure receipt of the maximum allowable tax rate in accordance with the Property Tax Extension Limitation Act. (PTELA).

If any additional reductions are required to be made to the district’s tax levy beyond those projected and specified by the board, 100% of those reductions shall be made to the Operations & Maintenance Fund.

The board will vote on the resolution at the board meeting on December 12, 2022.

Award of Bid for Paper Bid Summary – 7.04
SG 4: Stewardship of Resources
CCSD59 issues one paper bid each year for a quantity projected to meet one year’s needs. The district is not required to purchase a specific quantity.

This year, the bid is for xerographic and vellum paper. Due to market changes and supply chain issues, the price of paper increased by 49% compared to last year, and vendors who submitted bids could not provide pricing for both types of paper.

It was determined that purchasing paper through the state contract would best meet the needs of the district due to pricing and availability this year. The state contract is awarded to Midland Paper, a vendor the district has worked with previously, at a base bid price of $130,436.80.

The board will vote on the award of the paper bid at the board meeting on November 14, 2022.

Bid Regarding Brentwood Playground – 7.05
SG 4: Stewardship of Resources
The board discussed replacing the equipment on the playground at Brentwood Elementary due to the age of the current equipment. A call to bid will be issued for both the new playground materials and labor under the district’s 10-Year Facilities Plan.

The board will determine the award of the bid for the new playground equipment and installation at the board meeting on November 14, 2022.

Addendum to Contract Regarding Roofing – 7.06
SG 4: Stewardship of Resources
As also outlined in the 10-Year Facilities Plan, Robert Frost and Salt Creek Elementary Schools each require roof repairs. The district is currently in discussions with Allied Facility Partners, as this vendor is familiar with our roofs and completed planning as part of the previous work for the district. 

An addendum would be created for the current contract with a guaranteed maximum price to control costs.

The board will vote on the addendum at the board meeting on November 14, 2022.

Action Items

Agenda Item – 8.0

Prepare 2023-2024 Budget8.01
SG 4: Stewardship of Resources
Section 5/17-1 of the Illinois School Code requires an annual tentative budget to be prepared by a representative designated by the board, which is available for public inspection for at least 30 days prior to final action. 

The board approved to designate the superintendent to cause a tentative budget to be prepared for the 2023-24 fiscal year.

Authorizing Intervention at the Property Tax Appeals Board (PTAB) for Assessment of Appeals – 8.02
SG 4: Stewardship of Resources
At the board meeting on September 12, 2022, the board had discussed a resolution authorizing CCSD59 to intervene on all assessment appeals, rather than each time a notice is received from the Cook County Board of Review on a newly-filed appeal. Notification of Property Tax Appeals Board (PTAB) cases are forwarded to Franczek P.C. as received. CCSD59 intervenes in all cases, sometimes in partnership with District 214, depending on the location of the property and the requested amount of assessed value reduction. 

In most cases, the case is settled prior to further actions, but in some cases a full appraisal is recommended, or a case can progress to an actual hearing with PTAB. Franczek P.C. will represent the board’s interests in these proceedings.

The board approved the resolution as outlined above.

Approval of Application of Illinois Board of Education School Maintenance Grant – 8.03
SG 4: Stewardship of Resources
The School Maintenance Project Grant is a dollar-for-dollar state matching grant program allotted by Illinois providing funds up to $50,000. If awarded, grant money must exclusively be used for the maintenance or upkeep of buildings or structures for educational purposes.

The board approved CCSD59’s School Maintenance Project Grant application in the amount of $50,000 for submission. If awarded, the grant proceeds will be used to offset Health Life Safety Project costs.

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