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Board Update 12/11/2024



Board recognition/presentations 

Agenda Item 3.0

Community Outreach Presentations – 3.01

The District honored the Community Outreach team for their continued hard work and dedication to our students, family, and community. In addition, they recognized Arllette Antunez as one of only two school employees to represent Illinois in the national Recognizing Inspiring School Employees (RISE) Awards, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education. 

To view the presentation, please click here

FY 2024 Annual Audit – Baker Tilly – 3.02 

Baker Tilly gave a high-level overview of the annual audit conducted on CCSD59 financials. 

To view the presentation, please click here.

superintendent reports

Agenda Item 5.0

Monthly Updates – 5.01 

Superintendent Bresnahan provided updates on projects that are currently happening in the District across multiple departments. Key highlights include, but are not limited to:

  • Recent Superintendent participation in NSSEO Strategic Planning 
  • Winter Benchmark Testing, opened on December 9, 2024 
  • District Institute Day on January 6, 2025, offering over 50+ learning opportunities for staff 
  • Upcoming Kindergarten Information Nights in January 
  • Safety training, including recent District testing of CrisisGo app, and reunification process should an event occur 

To view the presentation, please click here

Long-Range Planning – 5.02 

Superintendent Bresnahan shared a presentation around how we create a long-range plan that looks at multiple facets in tandem versus anything in isolation. The presentation started with a look at the key improvements that have occurred over the last three years, including, but not limited to: 

  • Elimination of multi-grade classrooms
  • Program shifts in Dual Language
  • New curriculum implementation with resources across all content areas
  • Expanded PE, Art, and Music 
  • New Junior High Schedule
  • Intervention Expansion 

In addition, areas that need to be addressed in our long-term planning efforts were also discussed. These were broken down into three primary categories for the Board of Education to consider: programming, facilities, and enrollment & boundaries. 

Next steps include the Board of Education approving the Wold Long-Range Planning (approved during the December 13 BOE meeting, see 7.07) and the Enrollment & Boundary Study, which is to be approved in January. 

From there, the board will oversee the long-term planning process, in conjunction with development of a new Strategic Plan. 

To view the full presentation, please click here. You may also watch the presentation here.

action items 

Agenda Item 7.0

Approval of 2025/2026 School Calendars – 7.01 

The 2025-26 School Calendars – both Traditional (all schools except Ridge Family Center for Learning) and Balanced (only for Ridge Family Center for Learning) were created in alignment with Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) calendar requirements, collective bargaining agreement requirements, neighboring school district school calendars, and with input from district leadership and the District Education Association.

The board approved the proposed 2025-26 calendars. 

Approval of 2025/2026 Holidays – 7.02 

Each year the Board of Education is asked to adopt a resolution establishing official holidays for the next fiscal year.  The adopted holiday schedule serves as a guide for implementing negotiated contracts with employee groups and establishing holidays for twelve-month administrative and non-administrative and non-negotiated employees.

The board of education approved the holidays for negotiated contracts and administrative/non-negotiated employees for the 2025-26 fiscal year. 

Adoption of 2024 Tax Levy Certificate ISBE Certificate – 7.03

At the September 11, 2024 Board of Education meeting, the board discussed and directed CCSD59 administration to prepare the 2024 tax levy, with a public hearing set for November 13, 2024. The board was to then approve the proposed levy during the December BOE meeting.

The board approved the adoption of a total levy in the amount of $106,783,401 for 2024. 

Authorizing Reduction of Certain Fund Levies – 7.04

The District requested an increase in our levy from the prior year’s extension by 3.87% in order to assure we receive the maximum allowable tax rate in accordance with the Property Tax Extension Limitation Act.

The board approved the certificate of tax levy for the 2024 levy year with the County Clerk of Cook County. 

Report of Authorization to File Annual Financial Report For FY 2024 With ISBE – 7.05 

The board received the Annual Financial Report (AFR) for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024 which was prepared by Baker Tilly. 

The board reviewed and accepted the AFR. 

Approval of NSSEO Facility Planning – 7.06 

Northwest Suburban Special Education Organization (NSSEO) is a special education cooperative spanning across the northwest suburbs. CCSD59 is a member. One of their buildings is in need of a new HVAC system which will have an overall cost of $7,040,021. As a member, the district would owe a portion of the work, paid out over time. 

The board approved the bid for the new HVAC system with the district’s portion being $115,800 per year, over the next three years. 

Approval of Wold Proposal for Long Range Facilities Planning – 7.07 

Wold has presented the district with a long range facility plan based on the recommendations from the curricular facilities study. The timeline will be to start the process in January, with a completion in October of 2025. It will be introduced into four phases, with a cost of $35,000 plus reimbursables. This will also supplement the Ten Year Facility Plan. 

The board has approved the long range facility plan from Wold Architects with a cost of $35,000 plus reimbursables as presented.    

Approval of District 59 Education Foundation Donation – 7.08 

The board has approved the donation from the District 59 Education Foundation to the Empowerment Fund and seven CCSD59 schools in the amount of $13,570.64. Below is the breakdown. 

  • The Empowerment Fund will receive $10,244.79. This donation will be used for holiday food for families, holiday events, purchasing snow pants and boots as well as increasing items for the Clothing Closet. 
  • The Early Learning Center will receive $500. This donation will be used for resources aligned to Lakeshore curriculum. 
  • Forest View Elementary School will receive $500. This donation will be used for sets of novels for the lunch book club. 
  • Friendship Junior High School will receive $475.90. This donation will be used for a field trip to “Come From Away” CIBC theater. 
  • Holmes Junior High School will receive $1,000. This donation will be used for new student welcome packets and Soar and Explore materials. 
  • Juliette Low Elementary School will receive $500. This donation will be used for ACCESS testing incentives. 
  • Ridge Family Center for Learning will receive $300. This donation will be used for books for the Monarch book club. 
  • Rupley Elementary School will receive $69.95. This donation will be used for the “Oregon 1846” experience.

discussion items 

Agenda Item 8.0

Innovation Staff Advisory Team Update – 8.01 

The primary focus of the team for the next few months will be the upcoming student device refresh. The team is reviewing the key functions, features, and device form factors currently on the market. 

The district has utilized Chromebooks in grades K-8, and the devices have been refreshed every four years. The refresh has cost approximately $2.5 million depending on enrollment and device selection. The refresh is included in the long range financial plan, and business services are aware of and prepared for the refresh allocation. 

You can watch the discussion here

Enrollment/Boundary Study – 8.02

The district is currently interviewing demographers to project the district’s enrollment, as well as a comprehensive boundary review. This would work closely with the Long Range Facilities Planning through Wold. These studies will provide information fitting to the district’s future decision-making process. 

You can watch the discussion here

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