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Board Update 7/10/2024


Board Recognition/presentation

Agenda Item 3.0 

Elk Grove Village D.A.R.E. Program – 3.01 

Mayor Craig Johnson of Elk Grove Village presented to the Board of Education about the D.A.R.E. program at Grove Junior High School. Mayor Johnson also proposed the expansion of the School Resource Officer (SRO) program to the elementary schools in Elk Grove, and he offered to explore the possibility of Elk Grove Village covering more of the expense for the SRO program.

CCSD59 will utilize the district’s Safety Committee and SRO Task Force to review the SRO program and evaluate any potential future changes.

For more information you can view the presentation here.

Superintendent Reports

Agenda Item 5.0

Spring Benchmark Presentation – 5.02 

The Spring Benchmark presentation highlighted data in different categories for the 2023-24 school year. 

The key performance indicators (KPI) showed 80% or more of students, across all demographic groups, will be adequately supported by Tier 1 instruction in i-Ready reading and math. 

Student Grade Level Achievement data compared as well or better than the i-Ready National average in reading and math. 

Student Typical and Stretch Growth will meet or exceed the i-Ready designated targets in reading and math. 

Students receiving interventions will gain a minimum four percentile points in reading and math. 

The students’ Sense of Belonging survey results will fall at or above the national average. 

You can view the presentation here and watch it here.

discussion items

Agenda Item 7.0

2024-2025 Tentative Budget and Long Term Financial Plan – 7.01 

The district’s tentative budget calls for an operating surplus of $285,558. This constitutes a balanced budget per the Illinois State Board of Education. Capital projects include the Brentwood expansion, as well as a potential solution to the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system at the Early Learning Center. Budget changes will be discussed in August in the form of the public hearing, with adoption in September.

You can watch the discussion here and view the budget presentation slides here.

Policies from PRESS Update 114 – 7.02 

The IASB Policy Reference Manual provides a system for regular updating of policies to ensure legal compliance and provides cross-referencing of related policies and the legal references. Every policy is reviewed at least once every five years or as a result of Illinois School Code, Illinois School Board of Education, or state/federal regulation or rule changes. The board previously discussed PRESS Update 114 at the Policy Committee Meeting on June 10, 2024.

ELC HVAC Replacement – 7.03 

The Early Learning Center has an unreliable heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system (HVAC). The overall HVAC system has a consistent history of functionality issues. Maintenance far exceeds the norm in terms of frequency. This has disrupted the learning environment at the ELC due to the system’s failures. An alternative has been explored, which would be energy efficient and reliable for cooling and heating. Costs after tax incentives equate to $5.1 million.

You can watch the discussion here.

Action items

Agenda Item 8.0

Adoption of Policies from PRESS Update 114 – 8.01 

The board of education approved the recommended revisions as recommended/amended with district edits to the Community Consolidated School District 59 Board of Education Policy Manual.

Approval of District 59 Education Foundation Donation – 8.02 

The board of education approved the donation from the District 59 Education Foundation to the Empowerment Fund totaling $2,000. This donation is targeted for Mi Casa Su Casa which will help offset the cost of purchasing new mattresses and bed frames for CCSD59 families.



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