Board Update 8/8/22
District Presentations
Agenda Item 4.0
Follow-Up (Correction) 2021.22 Spring Benchmarking Report – 4.01
At the board meeting on July 11, 2022, Associate Superintendent Tom Luedloff presented the results, reflections, and next steps for the spring benchmark report for the district.
At the board meeting on August 8, 2022, he presented an updated version of the spring benchmark report which corrected a discrepancy in some of the race/ethnicity data shared in July.
The items needing correction can be viewed here.
Follow-Up Demographic & Enrollment Next Steps – 4.02
At the board meeting on August 1, 2022, Cropper GIS presented an overview of the demographic and school utilization study that is currently taking place in the district. You can view that presentation here,
The board continued discussions regarding findings and possible solutions for school utilization options. The administration provided additional background information on the areas of focus, including the impact current gaps have on learning, achievement, resources, and teaching. You can view this presentation here.
The district will now prepare to convene a task force that will include district families, staff, administrators, and board members that will meet four times to discuss potential school utilization options and report back to the board.
Discussion Items
Agenda Item 7.0
There were no Discussion Items at the meeting.
Action Items
Agenda Item – 8.0
TRS Supplemental Savings Plan – 8.01
Strategic Goal 4 – Stewardship of Resources
Due to an amendment to the Illinois Pension Code which became law in August of 2018, the Illinois Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS) is now requiring school districts to offer eligible school district employees to participate in its new Supplemental Savings Plan. Essentially, the Plan is a program for the deferral of income taxes on a portion of the compensation of teachers and other licensed employees under Section 457(b) of the Internal Revenue Code.
TRS sent out forms and instructions, and board action and return of the specified documents are required by no later than September 30, 2022.
The board approved the supplemental savings plan for TRS as outlined in the agreement.