8th Grade Math8th Grade Math

Use these videos and readings to enhance your understanding of material that we cover in class.  Note: These videos DO NOT cover everything we have covered in class.  However, this is a REALLY good place to start if you are having trouble on an assignment.


Unit 1 Number Sense:  Fractions, Exponents, and Scientific Notation

Adding and Subtracting Fractions

Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers

Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

Multiplying and Dividing Mixed Numbers

Exponents Basics

Multiplying and Dividing Exponents

Exponents Raising a Power to a Power

Negative and Zero Exponents

Going from Scientific Notation to Standard Form

Going from Standard Form to Scientific Notation

Scientific Notation Adding and Subtracting

Scientific Notation Multiplying and Dividing


Unit 2: Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities

Inverse Operations (One step equations)

Solving Two Step Equations

Solving Two Step Equations with Fractions

Combining Like Terms

The Distributive Property and Combining Like Terms

Simplifying Algebraic Expressions

Solving Two Step Equations with the Distributive Property

Solving Multi-Step Equations by Combining Like Terms

Solving Multi-Step Equations with Variables on Both Sides

Writing and Solving Equations in the Real World

Inequalities Basics

Solving One Step Inequalities

Solving Two Step Inequalities

Solving Multi-Step Inequalities

Writing and Solving Inequalities in the Real World


Unit 3:  Congruence and Similarity Geometry as well as Finding Angles

Plotting Points and the Coordinate Graph

Translating a Single Point

Translating an Entire Shape

Reflecting over the X or Y Axis

Reflections over a Vertical or Horizontal Line

Rotating 90 Degrees

Rotations of 90, 180, and 270 Degrees

Dilations and Scale Factors

Congruence and Transformations 

Similarity and Transformations

Angle Basics

Naming Angles

Acute, Right, and Obtuse Angles

Parallel vs. Perpendicular Lines

Complimentary and Supplementary Angles

Alternate Interior, Alternate Exterior, and Corresponding Angles

Vertical Angles

Sum of Angles in a Triangle is 180 Degrees

Exterior Angle Theorem

Finding Missing Parts of Adjacent Angles

Angle Measurements in Parallel Lines

Using Algebra to Find Measures of Angles Formed by Two Parallel Lines Cut by a Transversal


Unit 4 Functions

What is a Function

Vertical Line Test

Determining if a Table is a Function

Completing a Table Given a Function Rule

Calculating Slope

Finding the Slope Given Two Points

Finding Slope that is 0 and Undefined

X and Y Intercepts

Slope Intercept Form

Real World Example of Slope Intercept Form

Standard Form

Real World Example of Standard Form

Solving Systems of Equations by Graphing

Solving Systems of Equations by Substitution

Solving Systems of Equations by Elimination

Solving Systems with One Solution, Zero Solutions, and an Infinite Number of Solutions


Unit 5:  Right Triangles

Pythagorean Theorem

Pythagorean Theorem to Find a “Leg”

Pythagorean Theorem to Find a “Hypotenuse” 

Example of Pythagorean Theorem to Find Area 

Example of Pythagorean Theorem to Find Perimeter

Real World Example of the Pythagorean Theorem

Deriving Distance Formula from the Pythagorean Theorem

A lot of Proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem

Calculating the Distance Between Two Points

Real World Application of the Distance Formula

Calculating the Midpoint between Two Points

Figuring out Missing Coordinates When you have a Midpoint

Midpoint Formula in the Real World

Sohcahtoa Definitions

Basic Sohcahtoa Ratios


Unit 6:  3D Geometry

Parts of a Circle

Area of a Circle

Circumference of a Circle

Area of a Parallelogram (and determining what is actually the height)

Area of a Triangle

Area of a Composite Shape

Perimeter of a Composite Shape

Examples of Finding Area of Shaded Regions

Similarities and Differences Between Pyramids and Prisms

Volume of a Prism

Volume of a Triangular Prism

Volume of a Cylinder

Volume of a Pyramid

Volume of a Triangular Pyramid

Volume of a Cone

Volume of a Sphere

Surface Area of a Sphere

Surface Area of a Cylinder

Surface Area of a Cone

Surface Area of a Pyramid

Surface Area of a Prism


Unit 7:  Bivariate Data

Bivariate Data Introduction

What is a Correlation

Positive, Negative, and No Correlation

When You Use a Scatter Plot

How to Make a Scatter Plot from a Table

Scatter Plots and Outliers

Scatter Plots and Clustering

Scatter Plots and Lines of Best Fit

Making Predictions from Scatter Plots

Frequency vs. Relative Frequency

Two-Way Tables













Use these videos and readings to enhance your understanding of material that we cover in class.  Note: These videos DO NOT cover everything we have covered in class.  However, this is a REALLY good place to start if you are having trouble on an assignment.


Unit 1 Number Sense:  Fractions, Exponents, and Scientific Notation

Adding and Subtracting Fractions

Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers

Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

Multiplying and Dividing Mixed Numbers

Exponents Basics

Multiplying and Dividing Exponents

Exponents Raising a Power to a Power

Negative and Zero Exponents

Going from Scientific Notation to Standard Form

Going from Standard Form to Scientific Notation

Scientific Notation Adding and Subtracting

Scientific Notation Multiplying and Dividing


Unit 2: Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities

Inverse Operations (One step equations)

Solving Two Step Equations

Solving Two Step Equations with Fractions

Combining Like Terms

The Distributive Property and Combining Like Terms

Simplifying Algebraic Expressions

Solving Two Step Equations with the Distributive Property

Solving Multi-Step Equations by Combining Like Terms

Solving Multi-Step Equations with Variables on Both Sides

Writing and Solving Equations in the Real World

Inequalities Basics

Solving One Step Inequalities

Solving Two Step Inequalities

Solving Multi-Step Inequalities

Writing and Solving Inequalities in the Real World


Unit 3:  Congruence and Similarity Geometry as well as Finding Angles

Plotting Points and the Coordinate Graph

Translating a Single Point

Translating an Entire Shape

Reflecting over the X or Y Axis

Reflections over a Vertical or Horizontal Line

Rotating 90 Degrees

Rotations of 90, 180, and 270 Degrees

Dilations and Scale Factors

Congruence and Transformations 

Similarity and Transformations

Angle Basics

Naming Angles

Acute, Right, and Obtuse Angles

Parallel vs. Perpendicular Lines

Complimentary and Supplementary Angles

Alternate Interior, Alternate Exterior, and Corresponding Angles

Vertical Angles

Sum of Angles in a Triangle is 180 Degrees

Exterior Angle Theorem

Finding Missing Parts of Adjacent Angles

Angle Measurements in Parallel Lines

Using Algebra to Find Measures of Angles Formed by Two Parallel Lines Cut by a Transversal


Unit 4 Functions

What is a Function

Vertical Line Test

Determining if a Table is a Function

Completing a Table Given a Function Rule

Calculating Slope

Finding the Slope Given Two Points

Finding Slope that is 0 and Undefined

X and Y Intercepts

Slope Intercept Form

Real World Example of Slope Intercept Form

Standard Form

Real World Example of Standard Form

Solving Systems of Equations by Graphing

Solving Systems of Equations by Substitution

Solving Systems of Equations by Elimination

Solving Systems with One Solution, Zero Solutions, and an Infinite Number of Solutions


Unit 5:  Right Triangles

Pythagorean Theorem

Pythagorean Theorem to Find a “Leg”

Pythagorean Theorem to Find a “Hypotenuse” 

Example of Pythagorean Theorem to Find Area 

Example of Pythagorean Theorem to Find Perimeter

Real World Example of the Pythagorean Theorem

Deriving Distance Formula from the Pythagorean Theorem

A lot of Proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem

Calculating the Distance Between Two Points

Real World Application of the Distance Formula

Calculating the Midpoint between Two Points

Figuring out Missing Coordinates When you have a Midpoint

Midpoint Formula in the Real World

Sohcahtoa Definitions

Basic Sohcahtoa Ratios


Unit 6:  3D Geometry

Parts of a Circle

Area of a Circle

Circumference of a Circle

Area of a Parallelogram (and determining what is actually the height)

Area of a Triangle

Area of a Composite Shape

Perimeter of a Composite Shape

Examples of Finding Area of Shaded Regions

Similarities and Differences Between Pyramids and Prisms

Volume of a Prism

Volume of a Triangular Prism

Volume of a Cylinder

Volume of a Pyramid

Volume of a Triangular Pyramid

Volume of a Cone

Volume of a Sphere

Surface Area of a Sphere

Surface Area of a Cylinder

Surface Area of a Cone

Surface Area of a Pyramid

Surface Area of a Prism


Unit 7:  Bivariate Data

Bivariate Data Introduction

What is a Correlation

Positive, Negative, and No Correlation

When You Use a Scatter Plot

How to Make a Scatter Plot from a Table

Scatter Plots and Outliers

Scatter Plots and Clustering

Scatter Plots and Lines of Best Fit

Making Predictions from Scatter Plots

Frequency vs. Relative Frequency

Two-Way Tables













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