Text Book Orders

Órdenes de libros de texto

use these formS to request materials for your building.

Please note there are two forms below: one for Elementary and one for Junior High. Make sure you click the “submit” button after you complete each form.

  • Given that the use of the textbooks has changed in recent years, we have tried to update the process to keep it as simple as possible.
  • Many of the textbooks/materials that we have in the district are no longer in print, so availability might be limited. For programs that are more than a few years old, keep in mind that we may not be able to fill the orders.
  • For the intervention programs, a team decision should be made. Please keep that in mind before you make requests for intervention materials. If needed, please contact the district office. Feel free to ask any questions and share this preview with others in your building.

For additional information regarding textbook materials, please view the following:

Fill out my elementary online form.